NHW Meetings

Tuesday 22nd January 2013 
commencing at 8.00 p.m.
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Posting below by John Dibley 

Dear CRA Member,

Due to the wintry weather currently affecting us there were only about 10  people at the meeting last night at St. Mary's Church Hall. Dan Doherty and Chris Wright of our Community Police Team and Dave Mayall,  Coucillor for Ewell Court Ward addressed the meeting.

In view of the serious concern expressed by Dan about the increasing levels criminal activity taking place everywhere, including Worcester Park and Stoneleigh, I thought I should circulate this short report to alert everyone to be on their guard and report immediately anything or anyone suspicious that they see by ringing 999.

The latest development is that criminals now tend to operate in teams and there are quite a number of these known to the police. The members are of the same ethnic group but there are several different nationalities forming groups. 

Generally they are looking for easy targets and take cash and gold. You will have seen many times the warnings which have been circulated by me emanating from Surrey Police about the importance of locking doors and windows, double locking front doors at night and when you go out, switching on burglar alarm systems etc.etc. and similarly with cars, to always lock your car doors even if you leave them for only a minute or so, and don't leave any valuables on show and so on. Despite all these warnings people are still not following these simple guidelines and criminals are taking advantage of these easy targets. It only takes a few seconds to steal something from an unlocked car, and it only takes a few minutes to steal from an unlocked house.

Currently Surrey Police have two Operations running to combat the increasing crime rate. These are Operation Candlelight to tackle burglaries and Operation Marjoram to tackle car crime.

Dan and his team are devoting 100% of their time now patrolling our area and in addition there are two or three two-crew member police cars constantly patrolling these streets but they also need our help to monitor what is going on . They promise that when someone reports seeing a person or something suspicious happening the police will respond because these operations have been given top priority.

Dan has been patrolling the roads and alleyways  of Cuddington and Stoneleigh for the past two weeks all day and every day dressed in typical street garb and wearing a hooded top deliberately looking as you would expect a criminal to appear and behave. NOT ONE CALL TO THE POLICE HAS BEEN MADE TO REPORT SEEING A SUSPICIOUS CHARACTER IN THE AREA !!  Clearly this is not good enough and we must do better in the future if we are to keep our homes and cars secure. Dan and his team are relying on us to help them, please do not fail to inform the police by a 999 call whenever you see someone looking threatening or acting suspiciously. Your action  could save many burglaries or car thefts, but do it immediately you see it - not days later.

Somehow we must get this message out to the whole community. I apologise to all recipients of my email alerts for continuously repeating the same warnings and I sincerely hope that the need for due care has been heeded by everyone. It is clear, however, that there are still people who do not follow this advice so please do your best to help spread the message. 

Most burglaries take place between 11.00 am and 5.00 pm so it is during the day that we need to be more vigilant.

Regards to everyone,
John Dibley
This is to offer all residents from the area the chance to ask questions to the local Police team
Tuesday 22nd January 2013 
commencing at 8.00 p.m.

The Avenue Worcester Park. KT4 7EW.

Hope you can make it. 

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Dear Members

Panel Meeting held yesterday, Tuesday 16th October 2012 at St. Mary's Church hall opened with PC Daniel Doherty informing us of Graham Freeman's move to Epsom and thanking Graham for his 5 years service with the team. 

Benny says .... It is sad Graham will be moving but one has to take on a new challenge which Graham will do very well and we all wish him all the very best.

Dan introduced new PC Mark Simpson to the team. (Sorry being a bit deaf I may not have got the name right which I will correct ASAP). 

Dan talked about various issues connected to some problems associated with burglary, mini crimes etc., but equally confirmed displaying NHW signs added 50% success and good to learn the crime rate for all ages is about 7%.

We were advised to pay special attention to Crime Prevention making sure our cars are locked and not leave laptops, mobile phones, satnavs etc., visible. Safer not left in the car as there have been cases of car breakins recently but the Police team are keeping close tabs and dealing with such cases.

70 road signs kindly donated by Burgens will soon be available within a couple of weeks.

PC Graham Freeman did say he was sad to be leaving his area and surely enough Benny quotes 

"I too will miss Graham as he has given much input with the progress of the Blogspot, sharing his good ideas, making suggestions, also gave full support with the NHW Co-ordinators Launch with the Power Point Presentation backed with a great 
presentation by Inspector Craig Wright.

I hope to keep in constant touch with Graham supporting Graham where possible with his new responsibilities connected to his move to Epsom with chared interest with all of us in our area.

We all are sorry Graham has moved but equally wish him all the very best for the future."

Dan did confirm that these Panel Meetings will take place every 3 months with sometime in January 2013, a co-ordinators meeting will be in place to help get people involved.

(I totally support such a meeting as I feel Street co-ordinators should team up where possible to back one another. I will be releasing my suggestions in due course).


Members who attended the meeting did raise a few questions which were well answered by Dan and his team.

I was pleased to meet M/s Sheila Trevellyan officially for the first time. Sheila did raise a few questions too, all answered and its nice to learn Sheila Trevellyan is a Street co-ordinator where I would be happy to share ideas with the intention of us moving forward with supporting our NHW Police Team who are doing everything to help us make our towns and homes a safer place.

I also met up with a few other friendly NHW members. Getting to Know You is important. We must all work closely together.

P.S. At the NHW Launch meeting, Inspector Craig Wright provided guidelines associated to Street, Area and Borough co-ordinators responsibilities. Check on this blogspot on the link titled "NHW Co-ordinators" for details.

It is now in our interest to encourage our residents to participate in every way to help build up a closer relationship with all concerned. Surely Sheila, a close neighbour will help as a driving force. My wife Betty could not attend the meeting as we had relatives from Canada who had just arrived yesterday but all the same we welcome Sheila to our home at 5 Parklands Way anytime where we can share ideas connected to NHW.

telephone number 020 83302542. 

The meeting closed with PC Dan once again paying thanks to Graham Freeman for all his support which was well acknowledged by all who were present at the meeting.

I will post reminders of forthcoming meetings in due course.

Thanks to PC Dan and his team for giving their valuable time in setting up these useful Panel Meetings and hope in the future we will encourage more of our Street Members to attend.

P.S. Just a few quick photographs added below. Sorry I did not take photos of all who attended as I failed to get permission in advance.  


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This is to offer all residents from the area the chance to ask questions to the local Police team
            on Tuesday 16th October 2012 2el0:00

The Avenue Worcester Park. KT4 7EW.
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25th September 2012
Launch Meeting for Neighbourhood Watch
Epsom & Ewell North
To be held on Friday 28th September 2012 at 7.00 pm
at Stoneleigh Baptist Church, The Glade, Stoneleigh KT17 2HL
Please see Agenda Below.
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Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website

Epsom Neighbourhood Watch

Residents in parts of Epsom are invited to a launch evening to celebrate the whole of the North Beat area being covered by the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
The beat which covers Stoneleigh, Auriol, Cuddington and part of Ewell Court has managed to start up 118 schemes which includes 115 roads, two parks and five schools.
Police Community Support Officer Graham Freeman, said: "I am really pleased that so many people wanted to take up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in their area in a bid to prevent against crime.
"Neighbourhood Watch brings many benefits to an area, not only does it bring the community together it can also reduce your home insurance premium and decrease crime rates.”
The event will take place at 7pm on Friday, 28 September at John the Baptist Church, The Glade and will include a talk from Epsom and Ewell Neighbourhood Inspector Craig Knight about what the role of a neighbourhood co-ordinator involves and a discussion on policing in the area.
Anyone with further questions should contact the Epsom and Ewell Safer Neighbourhood Team by calling 101

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on 

Email: 11728@surrey.pnn.police.uk
Tel: 101

Good Afternoon,

Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.

The meeting will again be at 19:00 in Stoneleigh Baptist Church, The Glade, KT17 2HL.

See you there.
Samantha Page (11728) Neighbourhood Team Co-ordinator
Safer Neighbourhood Team
Epsom and Ewell
Surrey Police
Phone number               01483 637320      
I mainly work Monday to Friday covering between the hours of 07:00 to 20:00 ( shift pattern worked ) or alternative contact details outside these hours -
For non-urgent notification of a minor crime you can also use the online crime reporting facility available at www.surrey.police.uk

For local news, dates of local surgeries or your next Police-Public panel meeting please visit www.surrey.police.uk and go to ‘My Neighbourhood’.
Surrey Police – With You, Making Surrey Safer 
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Tuesday 11th September 2012

Friday 28th September 2012 at 7.00 pm

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Dear CRA Members,

Please note the following:
The Cuddington Residents’ Association meeting on Thursday 6th September has been postponed
until Thursday 13th September at 8pm.
St Mary’s Church is welcoming the new vicar at a special service on Thursday 6th September:
the Collation
by the Right Reverend Christopher Hill, Bishop of Guildford,
and the Induction
by the Venerable Julian Henderson, Archdeacon of Dorking,
of the Reverend Andrew Paul Cain BA (Hons), PGDip
on Thursday, 6th September 2012, at 7.30 pm
Judith Glover
66 The Avenue
Worcester Park
020 8330 2710
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The Broadway
Epsom KT17 2HP.

New dates for the future.
From 12.00 Noon to 1:00 pm
Tuesday - 28th August 2012
Tuesday - 20th November 2012

The Broadway
Epsom KT17 2JA.

New dates for the future.
From 6.00 pm to 7:00 pm
Tuesday - 25th September 2012
Tuesday - 11th December 2012


The Avenue
Worcester Park.
KT4 7EW.

New dates for the future.
Starting at 8.00pm
Tuesday - 16th October 2012

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= = = = = = Meeting Held = = = = = = = =

Next Panel meeting (public) meeting is as follows.

Tuesday 24 July 2012.   Starts at 8pm

St Mary's Church,

The Avenue,

Worcester Park,

KT4 7EW.     

Look forward to seeing you.  

Brief Meeting report from Benny De Souza

I attended the first NHW Panel meeting held at St Mary's Church, The Avenue conducted by PC Dan, Graham & Chris with VIP's ............
The meeting was very constructive well attended and many questions raised by some members of NHW. all answered by our Police Team.

There is a lot of positive ground all focused towards making our Neighbourhood a Safer place and much effort is being done by our Surrey Police force for which we are most grateful.
Being my first meeting as coordinator for Parklands Way, and as mention was made of our local blogspot, I wish to inform you that every effort will be put to improve the basic blog which can be shared by others and if any members have any suggestions or recommendations to improve the blog, please feel free to email me on my email - bennydesouza@btinternet.com

From the meeting, I have picked up some ideas which I will soon incorporate into the blogspot. Please check new updates next week.

P.S. At the end of the meeting whilst most of the NHW members had left, I managed to quickly take a few photographs added below.

Best regards



The Broadway
Epsom KT17 2HP.

New dates for the future.
From 12.00 Noon to 1:00 pm
Tuesday - 28th August 2012
Tuesday - 20th November 2012

The Broadway
Epsom KT17 2JA.

New dates for the future.
From 6.00 pm to 7:00 pm
Tuesday - 25th September 2012
Tuesday - 11th December 2012

The Avenue
Worcester Park.
KT4 7EW.

New dates for the future.
Starting at 8.00pm
Tuesday - 16th October 2012


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