Trading Standards Alerts




This blog spot has been replaced with a new site titled

Postings by John Dibley

Please check this page for very useful updates.

= = = = = = = = = = = = 
10th January 2013

Dear CRA Member,

This new initiative by the police is welcome news. It was reported to me that a hooded man was seen recently at 2am one morning crouching down to inspect the front wheel of a car parked in the driveway of a house in The Avenue. The man ran off pulling the hood of his jacket over his head when he realised he had been spotted by someone in the house. If you see anything suspicious like this please ring 999 immediately and inform the police to give them the best chance of apprehending the culprit. In this way you may succeed in stopping not just one car crime from happening but a whole succession of such crimes from taking place in this area!


Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website

Surrey Police crackdown on vehicle crime with message to motorists that thieves can strike within 60 seconds
Surrey Police has launched an initiative this week in a bid to reduce vehicle crime across the county.
Your vehicle and valuables could be ‘gone in 60 seconds’, which is the central message behind the force’s latest auto crime campaign, a stark warning to motorists that thieves can break into your car and steal your valuables within a minute.
The initiative, running under the name Operation Marjoram, aims to crack down on thefts of and thefts from vehicles and will run for four weeks. As well as raising awareness amongst motorists about simple measures they can take to avoid falling victim to opportunist thieves, the campaign is also aimed at targeting offenders.
The campaign will be supported by a ‘wrapped’ car which will be parked in key hot spot areas throughout the county acting as a warning to both potential thieves and to vehicle owners to remove valuables and keep their vehicles locked. The wrapping on the car shows the inside of the vehicle with various valuables left in it as a reminder to motorists how easy it is for thieves. The messages on the car are "Don’t make it easy for thieves” and "Lock your car and remove all personal possessions”.
The campaign will also be supported by radio advertising reminding motorists to lock their vehicles even if they are only leaving them for a minute, and pointing out that cash, mobiles, laptops and handbags can all be "gone in 60 seconds” but that it takes longer to sort out insurance claims and getting damage fixed.
Activity will also include extra patrol teams focusing on the hot spot areas within Surrey and offenders known to be linked to vehicle crime. The Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) team will also be stopping vehicles which are known to have been stolen or have links to offenders. The overall aim is to reduce the offences of theft from and theft of motor vehicles.
Operational activity for Operation Candlelight, Surrey Police’s burglary campaign, has also been extended to run alongside activities being carried out for Operation Marjoram.
The campaign has already led to a man being arrested on suspicion of drug offences. Officers on patrol for Operation Marjoram stopped a car on the A3 near Esher on Monday afternoon (7 January).
Police searched the vehicle and seized several bags containing a white substance, which was sent off for analysis.
A man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of drugs offences and taken to Staines Police Station where he was interviewed.
Jeffray Leung, 26, of High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, has since been charged with possession of class A drugs with intent to supply, possession of class C drugs with intent to supply and speeding. He appeared at Staines Magistrates Court yesterday (Wednesday, 9 January) and was remanded in custody. He is next due to appear at the same court on Wednesday, 16 January.
Superintendent Darren McInnes, who is leading Operation Marjoram on behalf of the force, said: "Traditionally at this time of year we see a spike in the number of auto crimes being committed around the county. The force is currently achieving a 15% reduction in auto crime compared with the same period last year and we want to continue to see a similar reduction going forward. Our officers are focused on helping to ensure that we meet this target and will carry out high visibility patrols in hot spot areas, as well as relentlessly pursuing any offender suspected of being involved in auto crime. They will also be taking the car around to key hot spot areas around the county reminding motorists that opportunist thieves operate in their area, and pointing out some of the steps they can take to prevent themselves from becoming a victim.”
Supt McInnes advises the following steps to reduce vehicle crime:
  • Always lock your car when you leave it, even if it’s just for a few moments. Make sure windows and sunroofs are shut and locked too.
  • Never leave any personal possessions in your car. Thieves love to steal sat navs, laptops and mobile phones. But less obvious items such as clothes and loose change are also appealing.
  • Don’t leave valuables hidden in your boot or under car seats. Thieves know where to look.
  • Don’t store driving or vehicle documents in your glove box. Keep them stored safely at home.
  • If your car doesn’t have an alarm, get one fitted or use a steering lock to deter thieves.
  • Look after your car keys. Keep them on you when out and about. When at home keep them hidden and not in view of a window, door or letterbox.
  • Secure your number plate with clutch head screws to avoid becoming a victim of ‘car cloning’.
  • Keep your eye out for potential car criminals. If you see someone looking inside cars or trying door handles call Surrey Police on 101. In an emergency always call 999.
Operation Marjoram will run alongside Operation Candlelight, Surrey Police’s burglary campaign which was launched on 22 October to educate residents on what they can do to protect their home from opportunist burglars.
The burglary campaign aims to help householders get in to the mind of a burglar and understand what they look out for prior to committing a burglary.
A series of roadshows offering residents useful crime prevention advice have already been held across the county, and Surrey Police has also been carrying out additional operational activities targeting high risk areas and known offenders.

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

Tel: 101

10th January 2013
Surrey County Council Trading Standards
TS @lert!

1. New Year - Same Old Tax Scam!
As the deadline approaches for paying your self assessment tax bill, the scammers are stepping up their efforts to cash in!
A new wave of emails has been sent out to coincide with the deadline claiming that you are due a refund and can get your hands on £100's by passing on a few details.
HMRC will NEVER inform you of a tax rebate by email and will NEVER ask you to disclose personal information by email.
Please also be aware that links may take you to bogus websites and attachments may contain viruses so don't open them!

You can report fraud, including online or internet crimes on the Action Fraud website

2. Phishing emails
Phishing is a method used by fraudsters to access valuable personal details, such as usernames and passwords usually as a means to scam consumers out of money!

It can also involve sending malicious attachments or website links in an effort to infect computers or mobile devices. 
Criminals send bogus communications: emails, letters, instant messages or text messages. 
Very often these appear to be authentic communications from legitimate organisations such as banks.
Embedded links within the message can direct you to a hoax website where your login or personal details may be requested. You may also run the risk of your computer or smartphone being infected by viruses. 

3. Investment in rare metals - a scam that could cost you the earth!
In recent years fraudulent cold calling telesales firms have branched out into selling land or wine as an investment which supposedly has the potential to enjoy considerable growth but would prove subsequently worthless or fetch nowhere near the price paid, often playing on the consumers ignorance and potentially loosing them £1000's.

An update on these scams is a caller offering a so-called "green energy bundle", where buyers can receive kilos of dysprosium,yttrium, lanthanum and neodymium. You are told these metals will move up sharply in value. But few have any idea of what these strange-sounding substances are or, more importantly, how to value and sell them. 
For more information please take a look at this link to the Independent website

4. Counterfeit Condoms
The government's health regulator the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulation Agency (MHRA) has warned there are a rising number of counterfeit condoms being smuggled into to the UK. Family planning experts say the bogus condoms don't provide protection against STIs or pregnancy. The best way to avoid being caught out is to make sure you buy condoms from reliable places.... and yes we have found some in Surrey!
For more information please see this link to the BBC website

5. Scam loans & Advance fee fraud
This type of scam occurs when a trader requires money up front for things such as administration or a credit check for services or loans that then do not materialise. A common way of requesting this is through legitimate schemes such as UKASH.
There has also been an increasing number of reports from people who have had their identity fraudulently used to take out payday loans. Please check you bank transactions carefully and if you spot anything suspicious notify your bank immediately.


*Do be very careful when dealing with loan companies that charge upfront fees
*Do be cautious if a loan company cold-calls you
*Do some research about the business offering the loan - look for proper phone numbers and physical addresses and ask for information in writing
*Do check that the company has a credit licence on the Consumer Credit Register at


*Don't believe adverts which indicate a loan is 'guaranteed'
*Don't give out your card details 'for security reasons' as the company may then debit your bank account without you knowing
*Don't wire money to loan companies using money transfer services when applying for loans
*Don't go ahead with a loan if a company approves it and then demands a fee before you get the money.

6. Consumer rights when a company goes into Administration - eg Jessops
  • Refunds. When firms go into administration, you often cannot return faulty items or have them exchanged. While this may be a legal right, you become a 'creditor' with others the firm owes money to.
  • Non-delivered items. It is unclear what will happen to recent orders that have yet to be delivered. Be warned, they may never arrive.
  • Warranties. If you have bought an extended warranty, this is an insurance contract so it should still be valid anyway. The contract is with an insurance company, not the retailer. If you're unsure, if the contract says it's "regulated by the Financial Services Authority", it's probably an insurance contract.
  • Can I claim? If faulty items are not replaced, or deliveries never come, you should be covered under Section 75, if you paid by credit card and the item cost more than £100. If you paid by credit card for goods under £100, or on a debit card, you may be able to claim via Visa or Mastercard's chargeback schemes.
  • Gift Cards Administrators are allowed to render gift cards and vouchers invalid.

If you need any further or more specific advice give the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline a call on 08454 04 05 06 
  • Asda Hot Pot 200g  / all date codes
Asda is withdrawing its own-brand Great Stuff Minced Beef Hotpot because the product contains wheat/gluten, which is mentioned on the label but not in the allergen advice box. The Agency has issued an Allergy Alert.
  • Asda Baby Soothers
Little Angels Cherry Soothers bought since October 2012.
The soothers affected are sold in double packs of blue and pink and have a barcode of 0505244962706.
They have been withdrawn from sale and are being recalled from sale due to the possible risk of choking following a complaint from a customer that the outer casing became detached from the main soother.
If you have bought the Little Angels Cherry Soother 2-pack, please dispose of it or take it back to your local Asda for a full refund. No receipt is necessary.

  • Poundland Dog Harness

Routine testing has shown that under certain conditions when a strong dog is excited and straining on the harness the Velcro fastening may come undone allowing your dog to run free.Check the barcode on your purchase and return the item to your nearest store as soon as possible.


You can now see these alerts on our website!
All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website
For Textphone please dial 18001 followed by 08454 04 05 06
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to Surrey County Council's Trading Standards Service TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving these please and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line
Reply to the person who forwarded you this email if it wasn't sent direct from us

@surreyts Buy With Confidence
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  This email and any attachments with it are intended for the addressee only. It may be confidential and may be the subject of legal and/or professional privilege. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender or The content may be personal or contain personal opinions and cannot be taken as an expression of the County Council's position. Surrey County Council reserves the right to monitor all incoming and outgoing mail. Whilst every care has been taken to check this e-mail for viruses, it is your responsibility to carry out any checks upon receipt.  Visit the Surrey County Council website -  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website
 Surrey County Council Trading Standards
TS @lert!

1. New Year - Same Old Tax Scam!
As the deadline approaches for paying your self assessment tax bill, the scammers are stepping up their efforts to cash in!
A new wave of emails has been sent out to coincide with the deadline claiming that you are due a refund and can get your hands on £100's by passing on a few details.
HMRC will NEVER inform you of a tax rebate by email and will NEVER ask you to disclose personal information by email.
Please also be aware that links may take you to bogus websites and attachments may contain viruses so don't open them!

You can report fraud, including online or internet crimes on the Action Fraud website

2. Phishing emails
Phishing is a method used by fraudsters to access valuable personal details, such as usernames and passwords usually as a means to scam consumers out of money!

It can also involve sending malicious attachments or website links in an effort to infect computers or mobile devices. 
Criminals send bogus communications: emails, letters, instant messages or text messages. 
Very often these appear to be authentic communications from legitimate organisations such as banks.
Embedded links within the message can direct you to a hoax website where your login or personal details may be requested. You may also run the risk of your computer or smartphone being infected by viruses. 

3. Investment in rare metals - a scam that could cost you the earth!
In recent years fraudulent cold calling telesales firms have branched out into selling land or wine as an investment which supposedly has the potential to enjoy considerable growth but would prove subsequently worthless or fetch nowhere near the price paid, often playing on the consumers ignorance and potentially loosing them £1000's.

An update on these scams is a caller offering a so-called "green energy bundle", where buyers can receive kilos of dysprosium,yttrium, lanthanum and neodymium. You are told these metals will move up sharply in value. But few have any idea of what these strange-sounding substances are or, more importantly, how to value and sell them. 

4. Counterfeit Condoms
The government's health regulator the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulation Agency (MHRA) has warned there are a rising number of counterfeit condoms being smuggled into to the UK. Family planning experts say the bogus condoms don't provide protection against STIs or pregnancy. The best way to avoid being caught out is to make sure you buy condoms from reliable places.... and yes we have found some in Surrey! 

5. Scam loans & Advance fee fraud
This type of scam occurs when a trader requires money up front for things such as administration or a credit check for services or loans that then do not materialise. A common way of requesting this is through legitimate schemes such as UKASH.
There has also been an increasing number of reports from people who have had their identity fraudulently used to take out payday loans. Please check you bank transactions carefully and if you spot anything suspicious notify your bank immediately.


*Do be very careful when dealing with loan companies that charge upfront fees
*Do be cautious if a loan company cold-calls you
*Do some research about the business offering the loan - look for proper phone numbers and physical addresses and ask for information in writing
*Do check that the company has a credit licence on the Consumer Credit Register at


*Don't believe adverts which indicate a loan is 'guaranteed'
*Don't give out your card details 'for security reasons' as the company may then debit your bank account without you knowing
*Don't wire money to loan companies using money transfer services when applying for loans
*Don't go ahead with a loan if a company approves it and then demands a fee before you get the money.

6. Consumer rights when a company goes into Administration - eg Jessops
  • Refunds. When firms go into administration, you often cannot return faulty items or have them exchanged. While this may be a legal right, you become a 'creditor' with others the firm owes money to.
  • Non-delivered items. It is unclear what will happen to recent orders that have yet to be delivered. Be warned, they may never arrive.
  • Warranties. If you have bought an extended warranty, this is an insurance contract so it should still be valid anyway. The contract is with an insurance company, not the retailer. If you're unsure, if the contract says it's "regulated by the Financial Services Authority", it's probably an insurance contract.
  • Can I claim? If faulty items are not replaced, or deliveries never come, you should be covered under Section 75, if you paid by credit card and the item cost more than £100. If you paid by credit card for goods under £100, or on a debit card, you may be able to claim via Visa or Mastercard's chargeback schemes.
  • Gift Cards Administrators are allowed to render gift cards and vouchers invalid.

If you need any further or more specific advice give the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline a call on 08454 04 05 06 
  • Asda Hot Pot 200g  / all date codes
Asda is withdrawing its own-brand Great Stuff Minced Beef Hotpot because the product contains wheat/gluten, which is mentioned on the label but not in the allergen advice box. The Agency has issued an Allergy Alert.
  • Asda Baby Soothers
Little Angels Cherry Soothers bought since October 2012.
The soothers affected are sold in double packs of blue and pink and have a barcode of 0505244962706.
They have been withdrawn from sale and are being recalled from sale due to the possible risk of choking following a complaint from a customer that the outer casing became detached from the main soother.
If you have bought the Little Angels Cherry Soother 2-pack, please dispose of it or take it back to your local Asda for a full refund. No receipt is necessary.

  • Poundland Dog Harness

Routine testing has shown that under certain conditions when a strong dog is excited and straining on the harness the Velcro fastening may come undone allowing your dog to run free.Check the barcode on your purchase and return the item to your nearest store as soon as possible.

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

Tel: 101

8th January 2013

Dear CRA Member,

There seems to be an increasing number of cold calls in which the caller talks about some service they provide purporting to be from a recognised company and then asks for a credit or debit card details in payment. In all cases you should refuse! Only give card information for payment by phone when you make the call to a number that you know is genuine.


Subject: Bogus callers claiming to be from Action Fraud

This is a message from The Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales) Information sent on behalf of Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Sam Cox (NHWN, Administrator, UK)

Police have received reports from people who have been contacted by fraudsters claiming to be from Action Fraud [19 December 2012]

Conmen frequently impersonate officials in an attempt to convince people that their offer is genuine. We are aware of a recent scam where fraudsters impersonate an Action Fraud representative to trick people into sending money.

The caller states that they are from Action Fraud and that the person they are calling is entitled to compensation from a recent incident. The scammer then asks for money to be sent via a Ukash voucher in order to process the compensation claim. The amount asked for is usually in the range of £200 to £400.

Action Fraud is warning people not to pay these bogus telephone callers; there is no way to retrieve Ukash payments as they are in effect cash transactions. This is a scam. You will lose your money.

Action Fraud is in no way affiliated with these scammers and would never under any circumstances be involved in processing claims for compensation. The genuine Action Fraud is the UK’s national fraud reporting centre where consumers can report if they have been scammed or defrauded.
You can report fraud online using Action Fraud’s reporting service.

Please use the buttons below or click here to reply and here to rate this message

You are receiving information from Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network because you share your information with them. To change who can see your information, choose a simpler email format or to unsubscribe completely click here.
This e-mail communication makes use of a "Clear Image" (gif) to track results of the e-mail campaign. If you wish to turn off this tracking for future e-mails, you can do so by not downloading the images in the e-mail itself.
This message has been sent using the VISAV Ltd, Neighbourhood Alert Community Messaging System.
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Registered Company Number: 7592594

7th January 2013

Dear CRA Member,

Please note the CRA Quiz Night details of which are attached.


  • 2013_cuddington_event_poster.pdf
Download All

7th January 2013

I have received one of these emails myself purporting to come from FEDEX, so please note that this must be erased without opening the attchment.
John Dibley

Surrey County Council Trading Standards wishes you a Happy New Year!
TS @lert!

1. Fedex scam emails
A consumer in the Molesey area recently received an email that looked like it was from FedEx..... Of course this could happen to anyone with an email address!

FedEx are warning people to be aware of spam e-mails that contain a very real-looking logo.
The spammers e-mail people, saying they have packages to pick up, but it's all a fraud.
By opening the receipt you are liable to ‘infect’ your computer with a virus
For more information on the scam please take a look at
Order: VGH-5278-4803743947
Order Date: Friday, 14 December 2012, 01:21 PM
Dear Customer,
Your parcel has arrived at the post office at December 20.Our courier was unable to deliver
the parcel to you.
To receive a parcel, please, go to the nearest our office and show this receipt.

2. Another Scam via email
This one relates to a family that have travelled abroad and been mugged so lost all their belongings and money - they are asking for a loan.
Our advice - Do NOT write back, the pressure will then be on to disclose bank details or to send money .... just hit that delete button!
The text goes something like this ...


I just hope you get this on time, This message may be coming to you as a surprise but please I need your help. My family and I made a trip to Athens Greece for a short vacation. We were having great time until last night when we got mugged and lost all cash, credit

card and phones, It has been an awful experience, I was hit at the back of my neck with a gun. Anyway.... I'm still alive and that's what’s important. I'm financially strapped right now and need your help. I need you to loan me some money, I'll refund it to you as soon as I arrive home. Please write me back so I can tell you how to get it to me.

3.Nottingham Knockers
Ourselves and the Police refer to these types of fraudsters as 'Nottingham Knockers', because that's where the scam originated.

A team are usually bussed into a locality and dropped off to cold call residents, to flog them overpriced dusters, ironing board covers, etc, supposedly because  they've been enrolled in some sort of offender rehabilitation scheme.
Their opening line is usually akin to: "Good morning, sir, my name is Tom and although I've been a bit of a bad lad in the past, I'm now trying to straighten myself out. Would you like to buy some of my goods?"

They may apply pressure to easily swayed residents and display signs of aggression to get them to buy their dodgy goods.
Moreover, requests for glasses of water and to use toilet facilities are sometimes used as a pretext for getting into the properties with a view to distraction burglary.

We have had reports that these door knockers have been in the Sunbury area recently.
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

4.Dodgy Invoices
A local company in Betchworth received a very convincing invoice demanding money for sponsorship.
Luckily they didn't pay and informed us instead ..... research shows they are not the only ones to have gotten this post.
PLEASE check any invoices you receive and don't just pay them as a matter of course ... double check you ordered the goods or entered into a contract or you might loose your money!

3. Cold Callers targeting the elderly
We have been informed that a company is cold calling residents in the Warlingham area and other towns near Croydon - especially the elderly - trying to sell massage equipment. They claim to bridge the gap between the NHS and care providers and offer 'free' goods and may use the Age UK name.

Our advice is to say NO to cold calling traders and beware of something they claim to be free - often there are hidden costs!
Do not invite them in or offer to buy products at the door as they can be very persuasive! Try using our No Cold Calling Sticker to deter them and to remind yourself to say NO to doorstep callers!
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
Click here to find out more about the stickers

!        Poundland Halloween Terrifying Teeth
Poundland is recalling Halloween Terrifying Teeth sold by their stores. This product poses a chemical risk to children as it contains chemicals that are prohibited in all toys and childcare products. All of these products with the code M-48209 in the top right hand corner are affected. Please return product to the store for a refund.

!        Peacocks Baby Girls Faux-Fur Leopard Snowsuit
Peacocks is recalling their Baby Girls Faux-Fur Leopard Snowsuit because of a safety hazard. They have found that the fur pile is coming away from the suit and could pose a choking hazard to young children.
It was sold by Peacocks for £16 and has an item reference number of 23235.

!        SuperValu Salted Peanuts 200g
Budgens, Londis and SuperValu have recalled some of their SuperValu Salted Peanuts, because one batch of the product has been found to contain aflatoxins at levels higher than the regulatory limits. The levels of aflatoxins found are not considered a safety risk. However, if you have bought any of the product do not eat it and return to the store for a full refund.
  • 'Best before' 30 April 2013
  • Batch code 022154

!        Koon Yick Wah Kee rose bean curd tofu and chilli bean curd tofu
The Food Standards Agency is issuing a Food Alert concerning the Koon Yick Wah Kee rose bean curd tofu and chilli bean curd tofu originating from China via The Netherlands, because of confirmation that further tofu from the same company has high levels of Bacillus cereus.If you have bought one of these products, do not eat it.
The levels of the bacteria detected can cause vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • Koon Yick Wah Kee – Rose Bean Curd (Tofu) 454g
  • Best before date: 30 June 2014; Lot number 023424
  • Koon Yick Wah Kee – Chilli Bean Curd (Tofu) 454g
  • Best before date: 30 June 2014; Lot Number 023421

!        Iceland Chicken Biryani
Iceland is recalling its Chicken Biryani with a 'best before' date of 3 October 2013, because a packaging error has resulted in some of this product being incorrectly filled with Prawn Curry. If you have an allergy to, or intolerance of, wheat (gluten), milk, mustard or shellfish (prawns), do not eat this product and take it back to the store for a refund.

!        Mild cheddar and red Leicester cheese
Asda, The Co-operative and WM Morrison Supermarkets PLC have withdrawn certain batches of mild cheddar and red Leicester cheese because small pieces of metal may be present in the products. If you have bought any of the products listed below, do not eat it.

The products being withdrawn are:
ASDA Smart Price Mild White Cheddar, 385g
'Best before' dates:
  • 7 February 2013
  • 8 February 2013
  • 12 February 2013
  • 13 February 2013
  • 16 February 2013
  • 21 February 2013
ASDA Smart Price Red Leicester, 385g
'Best before' dates:
  • 7 January 2013
  • 8 January 2013
  • 9 January 2013
  • 23 January 2013
  • 24 January 2013
  • 25 January 2013
The Co-operative British Mild White Cheddar 250g
'Best before' date: 28 January 2013
The Co-operative Value Red Leicester
'Best before' date: 26 January 2013
Morrisons M Savers Mild White Cheddar, 350g
'Use by' dates:
  • 21 January 2013
  • 25 January 2013
  • 31 January 2013
  • 3 February 2013
  • 7 February 2013
Morrisons M Savers Mild White Cheddar, 700g
'Use by' dates:
  • 22 January 2013
  • 30 January 2013
  • 4 February 2013
Morrisons M Savers Grated Mild White Cheddar, 500g
'Use by' dates:
  • 10 January 2013
  • 12 January 2013
  • 15 January 2013
  • 21 January 2013
Morrisons M Savers 10 Mild White Cheddar Cheese Slices, 240g
'Use by' dates:
  • 5 January 2013
  • 9 January 2013
  • 11 January 2013
  • 14 January 2013
  • 23 January 2013

All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website
For Textphone please dial 18001 followed by 08454 04 05 06
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to Surrey County Council's Trading Standards Service TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving these please email: and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line
Reply to the person who forwarded you this email if it wasn't sent direct from us

@surreyts Buy With Confidence
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  This email and any attachments with it are intended for the addressee only. It may be confidential and may be the subject of legal and/or professional privilege. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender or The content may be personal or contain personal opinions and cannot be taken as an expression of the County Council's position. Surrey County Council reserves the right to monitor all incoming and outgoing mail. Whilst every care has been taken to check this e-mail for viruses, it is your responsibility to carry out any checks upon receipt.  Visit the Surrey County Council website -  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

14th December 2012

Surrey County Council Trading Standards
TS @lert! 

Delivery problems rife when buying online, so how do you avoid delivery headaches this Christmas?
More than 60% of people have had delivery problems with something bought online, while nearly one in ten experienced problems with a Christmas delivery
Follow this link to the WHICH site - it gives great advice!

  • Cosy Comfort Hot Water Bottle sold in TK Maxx  stores between October and December 2012 is missing the required safety warning advising customers that the "stopper" (screw cap) is a potential choking hazard and that the product is not suitable for children under 3 years.
If you purchased one of these products please return to any TK Maxx store for a full refund. For further enquiries please call Customer Service on 01923 473561 or email

  • SavePower Universal Standby Saver Part No 06718 - Barcode: 5707542001513
Some units of the product have reportedly caught fire during use and therefore ALL product is being recalled to enable further investigation.
Check the barcode and part number of your product and return the item to the store of purchase as soon as possible. You will receive a full refund of the purchase price of your product.

  • Pampered Chef Garlic Slicer
The Pampered Chef has decided to initiate a voluntary recall of The Pampered Chef Garlic Slicer (#1113), which was sold between 1 July 2009 and 31 August 2011.  We decided to voluntarily recall the Garlic Slicer after receiving a few consumer reports that while using the Garlic Slicer, one of the blades affixed to the bottom of the unit dislodged and separated posing a potential safety risk. 
For all customers who purchased the Garlic Slicer during this time period, The Pampered Chef is offering a replacement.
Please note the Garlic Slicers sold by The Pampered Chef after 31 August 2011 (on right) are not part of this recall.  

Should you have any questions, please email them to or call 01344 823608.

  • Harrods Date and Tea Fruit Cake
Harrods has recalled some packs of its own-brand Date and Tea Fruit Cake as some products have developed signs of mould spoilage.
The product being recalled is:
  • Harrods Date and Tea Fruit Cake, 740g
  • 'Best before' dates: 10 March 2013 and 15 April 2013
  • Batch code: 3771012
If you have purchased the above product, please do not consume it but return to the store for a full refund.

Do You Have a Dangerous Gas Cooker in Your Home?
In the last week there has been renewed interest in a recall of gas cookers that have been responsible for a number of deaths. This recall was originally launched in 2009.
These gas cookers are designed to be used with the grill door open when grilling. If the door is shut dangerous levels of carbon monoxide can build up. These cookers have been responsible for 8 deaths in the UK and Ireland.
The purpose of this message is to clarify which cookers are affected and to encourage people to find the cookers that have not been repaired.

There are 65,000 gas cookers in the UK and Ireland involved in this recall. They were all made by Beko but were sold under a number of Beko and Glen Dimplex brands.

We would like your help to find the missing 11,000 cookers. 
If your cooker is one of the brands listed below please click on the link and check if it is one of the missing cookers, you could be saving a life - 
Beko Gas Cookers
Belling Gas Cookers
Flavel Gas Cookers
Leisure Gas Cookers
New World Gas Cookers

For some festive fun you can take a look at our Twitter and Facebook accounts - you don't need to sign up to see these! @surreyts
To give you a taster ....

I saw 2 rogues come calling by, 
yesterday and today, 
I saw 3 rogues come calling by, 
BUT they'll be stopped in the morning!

All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website
For Textphone please dial 18001 followed by 08454 04 05 06
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to Surrey County Council's Trading Standards Service TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving these please email: and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line
Reply to the person who forwarded you this email if it wasn't sent direct from us 

3rd December 2012

Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website

Surrey County Council Trading Standards

TS @lert!

1. PPI Phone Call
Issue: Recently a lady in the Guildford area received a phone call saying that she is owed over £2000 and that someone would be coming to her house to collect £150 that was required to release the money. It was a male with a strong Asian accent who made the call. When we intervened and tried to call him back on the number given he hung up on us!

Solution: Be wary of such phone calls and texts and do not let anyone into your house that your don't know
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
The Police can also be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999.

2. Solar Panels in New Homes
Issue: New build houses that are sold with the promise of saving you money with Solar panels installed maybe worth checking out carefully.
Solution: It is important to read the small print and be aware of any on-going maintenance payment required. For this and any other type of enquiry pleas call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06

3. Scam phone call targeted at a pensioner
Issue: A pensioner from the Guildford area received an unsolicited and unusual phone call claiming that as a pensioner she was eligible for £1000, and should therefore press a number on her keypad to confirm her details and arrange payment. Luckily she didn't follow these instructions and fall for a potential scam.

Solution: This is a very real problem and one which many people across the county and the country at large suffer from each and every day. The particular approaches vary widely and many, if not all, originate from outside of the UK. The telephone preference service goes some ways to stopping these calls, but it's not a foolproof system. We suggest using caller display, not answering unless you know the caller or even screening your calls using an answerphone. In any case don't give out your personal or bank details to a stranger!
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

4. Thinking of getting a new driveway?
Issue: We are aware of traders quoting for driveway work throughout Surrey, and not abiding by the law. Even some of the bigger companies are not innocent!
If you pay or agree to pay over £35 for any services or goods that are sold to you during a visit to your home or your place of work, then:
  • You have 7 days to cancel the agreement. Any monies you have paid should then be returned to you.
  • The caller must give you a written cancellation form setting out your rights when you agree the contract. If the caller does not provide you with this information he is committing a criminal offence and the agreement isn’t valid.

5. Rogues targeting the vulnerable
Issue: We have been alerted to the fact and are now working with an elderly couple in Dormansland that seem to have fallen victim to rogues who are preying on them and talking them into often un-necessary and vastly overpriced work.

Solution: Please keep an eye on your friends, family and neighbours as often the 'victims' don't realise they have been scammed. 
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 - we may be able to help!

5. Guttering
Issue: We have raised the issue before of tradesmen dropping leaflets through doors - there is nothing wrong with this except that on several occasions in the Epsom area and now in the Long Ditton area, the details on the card give false addresses and sometimes even one of the phone numbers is false. The traders we are aware of  don't have fancy names but instead XXX gutters or XXX guttering.

Solution: It is a case of 'buyer beware' when choosing a trader - check them out! Does their address actually exist? Have they been recommended by anyone? Are they a member of a trade association and if so is it a false claim or are they genuinely a member?
We suggest using a Buy With Confidence member as they have been approved by Trading Standards!

6. Loan Sharks
Once again we would like to highlight the work of the Trading Standards Illegal Money Lending Team. They are specialists in dealing with unlicensed lenders, bringing them to justice and supporting victims.
  • Have you been offered a cash loan without paperwork?
  • Been threatened when you couldn't pay?
  • Had your benefit or bank card taken from you?
  • Had a loan which keeps growing even though you are making payments?
...If you have answered yes then you may have been bitten by a shark!

For confidential help and advice you can call 0300 555 2222 (local call rate and includes inclusive minutes from mobiles)
You can email
Text: loan (space) shark (space) + your message to 60003
4. Recalls
  • Mothercare all in one dress up
We are aware that the following garments are missing an information statement advising customers that they are not recommended for wearing in bed and should be removed before sleeping. This advice is given to avoid the risk of over heating because these garments have hoods.
W5567Brown Bear Fleece Dress Up
W5573Cream Bear Dress Up
W5606Pink Rabbit Dress Up
W5605Dinosaur Dress Up
W5607Giraffe Dress Up
  •  Homebase large growing santa and snowman Christmas decoration
There is a wooden post which supports the head of the figure. The pointed profile of the post may pose the risk if it becomes exposed.
If you have one of these items purchased from Homebase please STOP USING IT immediately.
Please return the product to your nearest Homebase Store for a full refund. 
  •  Debenhams Baker (by Ted Baker) snow suits and jackets

Debenhams is recalling a number of Baker by Ted Baker snow suits and jackets. They have found that the zips on these snow suits and jackets can scratch or graze the face or neck of babies and small children.
There are 8 Baker by Ted Baker snow suits and jackets affected by this recall. They are:-
  • 240020742582 - Baby girl cream fur snowsuit (0-24 months)
  • 239020704403 - Baby boy quilted red snowsuit (0-24 months)
  • 240020742505 - Baby girl pink fur snowsuit (0-24 months)
  • 239020703343 - Baby boy memory navy snowsuit (0-24 months)
  • 240020744105 - Baby girl pink printed snowsuit (0-24 months)
  • 240020746805 - Baby girl pink quilted snowsuit (0-24 months)
  • 240020756074 - Toddler girls light brown print padded jacket (12 months-5 yrs)
  • 240020742682 - Baby girl cream printed jacket (0-24 months)
All of these snow suits and jackets were sold by Debenhams between 6th August 2012 and 23rd November 2012.

If you have one of the affected Ted Baker snow suits or jackets you should return them to your nearest Debenhams store for a full refund
  •  Sainsbury's Red Tree Iced Rich Fruit Cake (900g & all date codes)
Sainsbury's is recalling their own brand Red Tree Iced Rich Fruit Cake because of mould spoilage.
If you have the affected Sainsbury's Red Tree Iced Rich Fruit Cake you should not eat it. Instead you should return it to your nearest Sainsbury's store for a full refund.

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

Tel: 101

30th November 2012
Surrey County Council Trading Standards 
TS @lert! 

1. PPI Phone Call 
Issue: Recently a lady in the Guildford area received a phone call saying that she is owed over £2000 and that someone would be coming to her house to collect £150 that was required to release the money. It was a male with a strong Asian accent who made the call. When we intervened and tried to call him back on the number given he hung up on us! 

Solution: Be wary of such phone calls and texts and do not let anyone into your house that your don't know
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06. 
The Police can also be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999.

2. Solar Panels in New Homes 
Issue: New build houses that are sold with the promise of saving you money with Solar panels installed maybe worth checking out carefully. In the case shown in this link , they didn't work as promised Solar heating systems to cost Leatherhead owners thousands in maintenance 

Solution: It is important to read the small print and be aware of any on-going maintenance payment required. For this and any other type of enquiry pleas call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 

3. Scam phone call targeted at a pensioner 
Issue: A pensioner from the Guildford area received an unsolicited and unusual phone call claiming that as a pensioner she was eligible for £1000, and should therefore press a number on her keypad to confirm her details and arrange payment. Luckily she didn't follow these instructions and fall for a potential scam. 

Solution: This is a very real problem and one which many people across the county and the country at large suffer from each and every day. The particular approaches vary widely and many, if not all, originate from outside of the UK. The telephone preference service goes some ways to stopping these calls, but it's not a foolproof system. We suggest using caller display, not answering unless you know the caller or even screening your calls using an answerphone. In any case don't give out your personal or bank details to a stranger! 
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06. 

4. Thinking of getting a new driveway? 
Issue: We are aware of traders quoting for driveway work throughout Surrey, and not abiding by the law. Even some of the bigger companies are not innocent! 
If you pay or agree to pay over £35 for any services or goods that are sold to you during a visit to your home or your place of work, then:
  • You have 7 days to cancel the agreement. Any monies you have paid should then be returned to you.
  • The caller must give you a written cancellation form setting out your rights when you agree the contract. If the caller does not provide you with this information he is committing a criminal offence and the agreement isn’t valid.

5. Rogues targeting the vulnerable 
Issue: We have been alerted to the fact and are now working with an elderly couple in Dormansland that seem to have fallen victim to rogues who are preying on them and talking them into often un-necessary and vastly overpriced work. 

Solution: Please keep an eye on your friends, family and neighbours as often the 'victims' don't realise they have been scammed. 
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 - we may be able to help! 

5. Guttering 
Issue: We have raised the issue before of tradesmen dropping leaflets through doors - there is nothing wrong with this except that on several occasions in the Epsom area and now in the Long Ditton area, the details on the card give false addresses and sometimes even one of the phone numbers is false. The traders we are aware of  don't have fancy names but instead XXX gutters or XXX guttering. 

Solution: It is a case of 'buyer beware' when choosing a trader - check them out! Does their address actually exist? Have they been recommended by anyone? Are they a member of a trade association and if so is it a false claim or are they genuinely a member? 
We suggest using a Buy With Confidence member as they have been approved by Trading Standards! 
Buy With Confidence 

6. Loan Sharks 
Once again we would like to highlight the work of the Trading Standards Illegal Money Lending Team. They are specialists in dealing with unlicensed lenders, bringing them to justice and supporting victims.
  • Have you been offered a cash loan without paperwork?
  • Been threatened when you couldn't pay?
  • Had your benefit or bank card taken from you?
  • Had a loan which keeps growing even though you are making payments?
...If you have answered yes then you may have been bitten by a shark! 

For confidential help and advice you can call 0300 555 2222 (local call rate and includes inclusive minutes from mobiles) 
You can email 
Text: loan (space) shark (space) + your message to 60003 

4. Recalls

Tuesday 27th November 2012

Dear CRA Member,

Here is the latest alert from Surrey Trading Standards. If you are receiving duplicate emails of these or those sent out by Surrey Police then let me know. We are trying to rectify duplication of information emailed to our members wherever possible.

John Dibley
                                                                                                                                                        TS @lert!

1. Rogue Roofer
Issue: We have been alerted to the fact that a cold calling roofer in the Fetcham area is touting for business -one unlucky resident awoke one morning to find that un-requested work had been started on his roof after only a quotation had been given and even though the trader stopped, damage was left!

Solution: Say NO to doorstep callers. Ensure that you get a written cancellation notice explaining your cooling off period - this is a legal requirement! Traders can only start work within this period of time if you give to them in writing permission to start work sooner. In this case the resident may be able to take the matter through the Small Claims court to get the damage rectified. For further advice on this please call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06

2. Advertising Scam
Issue: In this scam both residents and businesses in Surrey are receiving unsolicited telephone calls either offering cheap advertising or claiming that an advert has been placed in a magazine and the invoice now needs paying!
Solution: If you agree to advertising, check that the publication actually exists! is the publication going to be seen by your target audience? If someone is demanding that an invoice be paid, check your accounts and that you did agree to it before parting with any money!

3. Doorstep Selling Christmas items
Issue: Following on from our last alert that highlighted 'Nottingham Knockers' we have had reports that similar instances are occurring throughout the South East, more locally in the Addlestone, Runnymede and Ewell areas selling Christmas items such as wrapping paper, cards, calendars etc. These 'lads' are often quite persistent in nature and some residents may find that intimidating. More often than not they do not hold a valid Pedlars licence but instead show a 'trial period' ID card.
Solution: Our advice is not to buy goods at the door. Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
The Police can also be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999.

4. Counterfeit Money
Issue: There has been an incident where a couple of males in the Godstone area in a white flat-bed lorry are offering to buy scrap metal.One resident agreed to sell some for a value of £400. The notes (£20's) were later found to be counterfeit. Surrey Police are aware!
Solution: Buyer- or in this case seller beware! Please report this type of incident to the Police via their 101 number.
5. Recalls
Issue: Aldi is withdrawing three varieties of Specially Selected sauces, because egg is not mentioned in the full ingredients list.All batch codes and 'best before' dates are affected.If you are allergic or sensitive to egg, do not eat this product.

Specially Selected Pesto Rosso Sauce, 190g (barcode 25192896)
Specially Selected Pesto Genovese Sauce, 190g (barcode 25192889)
Specially Selected Tomato & Ricotta Pasta Sauce, 340g (barcode 25279474)

            If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

            Tel: 101                                                                            

Saturday 27th October 2012

TS @lert! 

1. Have you been sold shares & asked to collect a fax from a library? 
Issue: Unauthorised company claiming to buy and sell shares to residents in the UK. They ask the consumer to collect and sign a fax from their local library and fax it back. 

Solution: Further information about unauthorised firms (ie not registered with the FSA) can be found here!. Library staff should be aware that these faxes are not legitimate and warn consumers as necessary.
2. Trade flyers in Epsom area - genuine?
Issue: An elderly lady in the Epsom area responded to a flyer and asked the trader to carry out work on the guttering and ridge tiles. The trader then found extra work needed doing on the chimney stacks and the price kept on increasing! No paperwork was given (cancellation rights or written quote) and the trader was not happy when payment was made by cheque and posted .... funny that seeing as the address didn't exist!

Solution: Check your trader - we recommend using a Trading Standards approved trader through Buy With Confidence. You should get written quotes and a notice of your cancellation rights.
Buy With Confidence 

3. Cold calling trader claiming 'from the government'
Issue: On the Surrey / Sussex boarder we have been alerted to a trader knocking on doors stating that he had been asked by the government to call at properties to talk to residents about loft insulation and grants.

Solution: Always say NO to cold calling tradesmen - no matter what their story! Do not invite them in or offer to buy products at the door as they can be very persuasive! Try using our No Cold Calling Sticker to deter them and to remind yourself to say NO to doorstep callers!
Click here to find out more about the stickers

4. Birds flying into your roof = scam! 
Issue: Cold caller in the Tatsfield area claims to see birds flying into the roof of your house. .He then gains access into the house and loft and returns with wet insulation that 'will cost £1000's to repair' .He suggests to resident that they go to bank to get money so he can get on with the work. A second trader turns up and resident feels uncomfortable so says he is going to get neighbour.The traders then leave in a hurry! Unfortunately the resident finds money missing from the house. 

Solution: Cold callers aren't always fraudulent, but some are there to rip you off or  burgle your house - so why take the chance? 
Please say no to them, don't let them into your property and look out for friends and neighbours! 
Please contact the Police on 101 or in an emergency 999 

5. Dyson engineers that aren't from Dyson! 
Issue: Reports from various areas in Surrey that engineers are cold calling and offering their services as a Dyson engineer. A reasonable quote is given to service the vacuum, but more faults are found and the price escalates sometimes into £100's! These traders are not genuine Dyson engineers! This scam has been going on for years but has once again increased recently in Surrey. 

Solution: According to Dyson, a genuine engineer wont come to your home unless you have called them and they never make cold calls. 
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06. 

6. Email offering free gift card for Asda = Scam 
Issue: Asda Direct has warned customers to beware of an email circulating telling people they have been “rewarded” with an “Asda Shopping Gift Card”. Asda issued the warning after several reports of people receiving an email asking recipients to click a link to apply for a Gift Card worth between £50 and £1,000. 

Solution: Don't click on links, open attachments or disclose personal information online unless you are 100% sure you know who the email is from. 


  • Issue: Poundland Spooky Projector Torch -it may overheat!
     If you have an affected Poundland Spooky Projector Torch you should return it to your nearest Poundland store for a full refund.
You can also contact Poundland Customer Service on 0800 731 5622.

  • Issue:
    M&Co Dungaree and Stripey Tee poses a choking hazard as it's been found that the dungarees strap fastener can be pulled apart easily by a baby.
    Product code 38/44/420 (printed on washing label)
    Size 0/3mth - 12/18mth
    Sold between 28 September 2012 and 22 October 2012

      If you have the affected M&Co Dungaree and Stripey Tee you should return it to the store where you purchased it for a full refund.
If you are unsure if the product you have purchased is affected by this recall, please ask staff in any store or contact Mackeys Stores Quality Control Manager on 0141 812 9406. 

  • Issue: Home Farm Speciality Foods is withdrawing various savoury sauce products because of inconsistent allergen information provided on the labels. If you have an allergy or sensitivity to celery, sulphites or wheat, do not eat these products.
These products with a 'best before' date up to and including August 2013 are being recalled:
• Home Farm Foods Beef Stock, 450g
• Home Farm Foods Black Bean Sauce, 212g
• Home Farm Foods Chicken and Rib sauce, 395g
• Home Farm Foods Chicken Casserole sauce, 470g
• Home Farm Foods Chicken Stock, 450g
• Home Farm Foods Diane Sauce, 395g
• Home Farm Foods Hoi Sin & Chilli Sauce, 212g
• Home Farm Foods Hoi Sin Sauce, 212g
• Home Farm Foods Plum Sauce, 212g
• Home Farm Foods Red Wine Casserole Sauce, 470g
• Home Farm Foods Rich Beef Casserole Sauce, 470g
• Home Farm Foods Roast Beef Gravy, 450g
• Home Farm Foods Roast Chicken Gravy, 450g
• Home Farm Foods Sausage Casserole Sauce, 470g

Solution: Customer notices will be displayed in stores, explaining why the products are being withdrawn and the actions customers can take if they have purchased the product(s). If you have bought the above product(s) and are allergic or sensitive to celery, sulphites or wheat, do not eat it.The products will be over-stickered with the correct information and placed back on sale.

All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website
For Textphone please dial 18001 followed by 08454 04 05 06
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving TS @lerts please email: and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line
Reply to the person who forwarded you this email if it wasn't sent direct from us 

Tuesday 23rd October 2012

Dear CRA Member,

Apologies for the number of emails circulating at the moment, but there is so much important information coming out from Surrey Police and Surrey Trading Standards.
This one is from the National Neighbourhood Watch website and I receive their emails because I registered our CRA NhW Group on their system earlier this year. If anyone types in their postcode they will find out the nearest NhW group and I have received emails via this website of residents wishing to join our group. 
This alert seems particularly useful in view of the large number of scam emails I am receiving and no doubt you are getting them too! It is necessary to be very wary of emails purporting to come from Banks and Credit Card companies, do not open attachments unless you are absolutely positive they are genuine.
John Dibley

Subject: It's 'Get Safe Online Week'

This is a message from The Neighbourhood & Home Watch Network (England & Wales) Information sent on behalf of Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network
(Please do not reply directly to this email, please use the Reply button at the bottom of this message)
Message sent by
Catherine Dunn (NHWN, Administrator, England & Wales)

Dear members,

Today is the first day of Get Safe Online Week.

You may recall that I sent a message last month asking about our members' experiences of online scams and/or fraud, and any tips about how to avoid falling for such things.  Thank you to all who responded.  A collection of our members' experiences and tips is available here:

Get Safe Online, who is running this campaign, has also produced a leaflet full of handy tips on how you can stay safe online, as part of their 'Click and Tell' campaign.  You can download this leaflet here:

For more information about the campaign, including lots of information and tips about internet safety, please visit the Get Safe Online website,

Best wishes,

Catherine Dunn, NHWN

Please use the buttons below or click here to reply and here to rate this message

You are receiving information from Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network because you share your information with them. To change who can see your information, choose a simpler email format or to unsubscribe completely click here.
This e-mail communication makes use of a "Clear Image" (gif) to track results of the e-mail campaign. If you wish to turn off this tracking for future e-mails, you can do so by not downloading the images in the e-mail itself.

Surrey Police: Please can you help?

Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website
Surrey Police: Please can you help?

Your local police team at Epsom and Ewell are keen to speak with the following male who allegedly grabbed a young girl on Saturday 20th October at about midday in Dell lane Stoneleigh .

The victim is safe and well and assisting CID colleagues with the investigation.

The suspect is described as a white male with short dark brown curly hair, damaged front teeth and aged in his 20s or 30s. He was a...
bout 5’11” in height with missing or damaged teeth

He may have been wearing a dark blue jacket with light yellow fluffy collar. A silver vehicle with ‘Z ‘ in middle of its index is believed to have been used .

We would like to reassure the public that these incidents are very rare. Your local police are dealing with this as a priority and would appreciate any assistance from the public in locating this male. If you have any information please contact us at Surrey Police 101.

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

Tel: 101

Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website

TS @lert!

Issue: There have been issues with fraudsters asking residents to purchase UKASH vouchers. They may claim that this upfront payment is needed to pursue a PPI claim, to authorise a loan or claim a tax refund. UKASH is a legitimate company that lets you use cash to pay online by exchanging notes/coins for a voucher. But giving UKASH vouchers to someone you don't know  puts you at risk of losing your money.

Solution: Be very wary if a company asks you for upfront payment. Treat UKASH vouchers as you would cash.If you suspect yourself or someone you know to be a victim of this type of fraud please let us know via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

2. The Green Deal        
Issue: The idea is simple, you install 'green technologies' in your home with no upfront payment and pay back the costs through your energy bill over a period of time. We are concerned that sales reps that are paid a commission for signing up customers, may put on the pressure when selling door to door.

Solution: As always we advise NEVER to buy at the door and recommend that you take your time and shop around. The code of practice contains a requirement for all providers to respect 'No Cold Calling' stickers - so if you haven't got one yet - get one!

You can read more about our concerns in a recent Guardian article that quotes one of our officers! .

3.Electric Blankets
The nights are getting cooler - Is your electric blanket safe to use or is it more of a fire risk?
Please take the time to check your blanket or ask someone to check it for you.
  • Is the fabric is worn or frayed ?
  • Are there scorch marks anywhere?
  • Are the tie tapes damaged or missing ?
  • Is the flex is worn or damaged ?
  • Are any connections loose ?
  • Have the heating wires been damaged or displaced. To check, hold the blanket up to the light. The wires should be evenly spaced and should not touch each other anywhere

    Older blankets in regular use are much more likely to have one or more of the above faults.
    If your blanket is over ten years old or it is showing any of the warning signs it is recommend that you replace it with a new one.

4. Food Glitter
Issue: Sparkling glitter which is used to decorate cakes and sweets could contain ground up plastic or powdered brass. While there are many genuine edible cake decorations that are approved for use on food, some are plastic varieties confusingly labelled as 'non-toxic' that means that it is safe to use on products such as plates and spoons.

Solution: Check to make sure that if you are decorating cakes that the glitter or dust is clearly labelled as edible! 

5. A Carers Guide to Scams
We have produced a leaflet aimed towards professional carers, however, it is essential reading for anyone that comes into contact with the elderly and the vulnerable.
We hope that it will equip you with the knowledge of identifying any victims of scams, how to advise against becoming a victim and where to go to for help.

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

Tel: 101

Monday 22nd October 2012

TS @lert! 

1. Adjustable tailor-made bed 
Issue: A vulnerable resident in the Staines area responded to an unsolicited call from a trader claiming that they could make his life more comfortable. The initial price for the bed was £4000 but the offer was reduced by over £1000 if they signed up there and then and agreed to participating in publicity and part exchanging their old bed - the resident was told this offer would not be repeated! 
This is an illegal trade practice! 
To top it off, the bed arrived being very uncomfortable and a refund is being negotiated! 

Solution: Please do NOT respond to cold callers and stand your ground when traders put on the pressure!

2. Tree & Garden Services 
Issue: An elderly resident in the Epsom area responded to a leaflet put through her door offering tree and garden services. 
Two men attended and started work before quoting a price! 
Another illegal trade practice! 
Solution: Get quotes in writing before agreeing to any work (preferably more than one) 

**** Remember if you agree to buy goods or services on the doorstep you have a 7 day cooling off period in which you can cancel the agreement and all money should be returned to you. 
The trader must also give you a written cancellation form setting out your rights - if this information is not provided then they are committing an offence and the agreement isn't valid! **** 

Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06. 

3. British Airways Email 
Issue: Fraudsters have cloned a real British Airways email and attached a ZIP file containing the supposed ticket. In reality this file could infect your computer! Click here for more information. 
Solution: If you have recently booked a flight with British Airways you might be tempted to open the attachment. If you receive one of this emails DO NOT open the ZIP file and delete it or you run the risk of your computer being infected. 

4. Recalls x2
  • Issue: Poundland Felt Pens
Poundland is recalling some packs of their felt pens as they pose a safety hazard to young children. The end cap at the base of some of the pens can easily be removed and poses a choking hazard to young children.
The product is 35+10 Free Felt Pens sold at Poundland with the barcode 5025066821456.

Solution:If you have the affected Poundland Felt Pens you should return them to your nearest Poundland store for a full refund. If you have any question or concerns about this recall you can contact Poundland Customer Services on 0800 731 5622

  • Issue:Brasseries de Saint Omer Beer
Brasserie de Saint-Omer has extended its recall of several brands of beer, which includes a number of supermarket own brands, because a limited number of bottles may contain small pieces of glass.
Products sold by Aldi:
Aldi Brasserie Bière Blonde Lager, 8x25cl
Aldi Brasserie French Lager, 10x25cl
‘Best before’ dates: All dates up to and including 30 November 2013
Products sold by Asda:
Asda Bière de Luxe, 10x250ml
Asda French Lager, 10x250ml
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Shandy, 10x250ml
‘Best before’ dates: All dates up to and including 30 November 2013
Products sold by Co-op:
Co-op French Premium Lager, 8x250ml and 18x250ml
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Lite, 24x25cl
‘Best before’ dates: All dates up to and including 30 November 2013
Products sold by Morrisons:
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Export, 8x25cl and 18x25cl
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Panaché, 10x25cl
Bière Continentale, 10x25cl
‘Best before’ dates: All dates up to and including 30 November 2013
Products sold by Sainsbury’s:
Sainsbury’s St. Cervois Premium Lager, 8x25cl
Sainsbury’s Bière des Flandres 10x25cl and 18x25cl
Sainsbury’s Bière des Moulins Continetal Lager, 30x25cl
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Panaché, 10x25cl
‘Best before’ dates: All dates up to and including 30 November 2013
Products sold by Tesco:
Tesco Bière d’Or 10x25cl
‘Best before’ dates: All dates up to and including 30 November 2013


Point-of-sale notices will be displayed in stores explaining the actions consumers can take if they have bought the affected products. If you have bought the any of the above products, please do not drink it, but return it to your nearest store for a full refund.

Q - What do Bonfire Night, Diwali and Chinese New Year have in common?
A- Fireworks!!!

They may look great but bear in mind that fireworks are explosives and as they burn at such high temperatures they need careful handling and storage.

Don’t buy fireworks from anywhere you’re not sure about, like a van or a temporary, unlicensed market stall. Only buy fireworks marked BS 7114 or with a CE mark – this shows that the firework
meets British or European safety standards.

If you are under 18 years of age you can’t: 
• buy fireworks
• have possession of fireworks in public places
If you do, the Police can give you an on-the-spot fine of £80

Fireworks can be let off until 11pm except: 
• until midnight on Bonfire Night 5th November
• until 1.00 am on New Year’s Eve, Diwali (13th November 2012) and Chinese New Year (10th February 2013)
...but must not be let off in the street or any other public place.

Fireworks can only be bought: 
• between 15th October and 13th November 2012
• between 26th December and 31st December 2012
• between 7th February and 10th February 2013

For the rest of the year, you will only be able to buy fireworks from certain specialist licensed shops.

Complaints about noise should be reported to the Environmental Health Office of your local District Council.
To report other concerns such as underage sales, please call Trading Standards via Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 08454 04 05 06. 


All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website
For Textphone please dial 18001 followed by 08454 04 05 06
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving TS @lerts please email: and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line
Reply to the person who forwarded you this email if it wasn't sent direct from us

@surreyts Buy With Confidence

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Friday 12th October 2012

TS @lert! 

Issue: There have been issues with fraudsters asking residents to purchase UKASH vouchers. They may claim that this upfront payment is needed to pursue a PPI claim, to authorise a loan or claim a tax refund. UKASH is a legitimate company that lets you use cash to pay online by exchanging notes/coins for a voucher. But giving UKASH vouchers to someone you don't know  puts you at risk of losing your money. 

Solution: Be very wary if a company asks you for upfront payment. Treat UKASH vouchers as you would cash.If you suspect yourself or someone you know to be a victim of this type of fraud please let us know via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06. 

2. The Green Deal         
Issue: The idea is simple, you install 'green technologies' in your home with no upfront payment and pay back the costs through your energy bill over a period of time. We are concerned that sales reps that are paid a commission for signing up customers, may put on the pressure when selling door to door. 

Solution: As always we advise NEVER to buy at the door and recommend that you take your time and shop around. The code of practice contains a requirement for all providers to respect 'No Cold Calling' stickers - so if you haven't got one yet - get one! 

You can read more about our concerns in a recent Guardian article that quotes one of our officers! 
Click here to find out more about the stickers and where you can get them. 


3.Electric Blankets 
The nights are getting cooler - Is your electric blanket safe to use or is it more of a fire risk? 
Please take the time to check your blanket or ask someone to check it for you. 
  • Is the fabric is worn or frayed ?
  • Are there scorch marks anywhere?
  • Are the tie tapes damaged or missing ?
  • Is the flex is worn or damaged ?
  • Are any connections loose ?
  • Have the heating wires been damaged or displaced. To check, hold the blanket up to the light. The wires should be evenly spaced and should not touch each other anywhere

    Older blankets in regular use are much more likely to have one or more of the above faults.
    If your blanket is over ten years old or it is showing any of the warning signs it is recommend that you replace it with a new one.
4. Food Glitter
Issue: Sparkling glitter which is used to decorate cakes and sweets could contain ground up plastic or powdered brass. While there are many genuine edible cake decorations that are approved for use on food, some are plastic varieties confusingly labelled as 'non-toxic' that means that it is safe to use on products such as plates and spoons.

Solution: Check to make sure that if you are decorating cakes that the glitter or dust is clearly labelled as edible!
5. A Carers Guide to Scams
We have produced a leaflet aimed towards professional carers, however, it is essential reading for anyone that comes into contact with the elderly and the vulnerable.
We hope that it will equip you with the knowledge of identifying any victims of scams, how to advise against becoming a victim and where to go to for help.


All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website
For Textphone please dial 18001 followed by 08454 04 05 06
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving TS @lerts please email: and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line

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Saturday 6th October 2012
TS @lert Cold calling incidents and bargain TVs!
Dear CRA Member,

I am forwarding this Alert from Surrey Trading Standards for your information.
John Dibley

TS @lert! 

Cold Calling incidents x4 
1. Solar Panels 
Issue: Cold calling doorstep traders offering no obligation quotes for solar panels. One resident agreed to this in the Weybridge area but when asked the trader to leave he became rude and aggressive. 

2. Jet Washing 
Issue: In the Tadworth area 2 males were approaching residents, specifically the elderly offering to jet wash their driveways. 

3. Cookware 
Issue: Cold calling trader targeting the larger homes in the Farnham area making false claims about his cookware and selling it at a 'too good to be true' price! 

4. Damp walls 
Issue: Cold calling company pressure selling residents into believing they have damp in their walls. The latest incident in the Epsom area even saw them enter the house and scare the elderly resident into believing that their loft would collapse without further work. Cash was paid and no paperwork left. 

Solution:  We advise to always say no to doorstep traders and not to invite them in or offer to buy products at the door as they can be very persuasive! 
Some rogues will carry out the initial job and then often find further 'faults' to gain extra work and charge lots more! 
Others try to gain access to homes as means to distraction burglary. 

Remember if you agree to buy goods or services on the doorstep you have a 7 day cooling off period in which you can cancel the agreement and all money should be returned to you. 
The trader must also give you a written cancellation form setting out your rights - if this information is not provided then he is committing an offence and the agreement isn't valid! 

Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on             08454 04 05 06      . 
The Police can also be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999. 

Try using our No Cold Calling Sticker to deter them and to remind yourself to say NO to doorstep callers! 
Click here to find out more about the stickers. 

5. Cheap Flat Screen Tv 
Issue: We have been notified by our neighbouring authorities that there has been an number of reports of TVs being sold from the back of vans. Whilst being offered at an attractive price, have not been stolen and even being sold as seconds with slight defects - when bought and tried at home, they don't work! 

Solution: Always buy from a reputable trader and if an offer seems to good to be true - it probably is! Please report incidents like this to us on            08454 04 05 06      .


All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on             08454 04 05 06       or online via theirwebsite
For Textphone please dial 18001 followed by             08454 04 05 06      
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving TS @lerts please and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line 
Reply to the person who forwarded you this email if it wasn't sent direct from us 

@surreyts Buy With Confidence
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  This email and any attachments with it are intended for the addressee only. It may be confidential and may be the subject of legal and/or professional privilege. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender or The content may be personal or contain personal opinions and cannot be taken as an expression of the County Council's position. Surrey County Council reserves the right to monitor all incoming and outgoing mail. Whilst every care has been taken to check this e-mail for viruses, it is your responsibility to carry out any checks upon receipt.  Visit the Surrey County Council website -  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Tuesday 18th September 2012
Surrey Police Notice: Trading Standards Alert
Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website
Some more interesting information for you all
TS @lert!

1. Pain Relief .... at a cost!
Issue: An Internet company selling an arthritis relief cream for £9.99. Yet complaints coming in that more money is being taken at a later date.
Solution: Please read the terms and conditions when buying online as it seems in this instance when you buy one item, you are agreeing to a direct debit. If you have been caught out like this please contact your bank for advice and let us know on 08454 04 05 06

2. Cold Calling Traders in Woking area
Issue: Landscapers and general builders cold calling residents all over Surrey - but
recent reports show an increase in the Woking area this past week.
Solution: Please say NO to cold calling traders. Do not invite them in or offer to buy services at the door as they can be very persuasive! Try using our No Cold Calling Sticker to deter them and to remind yourself to say NO to doorstep callers!

3.Rogues using the names of legitimate companies
Issue: We have had reports in the Epsom area of unsatisfactory trade practices and bad quality work but when investigated found that the company knew nothing about it! It seems that rogues are using reputable company names (and even paperwork) to scam Surrey residents.
Solution: Check out the trader as much as possible before agreeing to any work. Make sure that you keep all paperwork. Why not try a trader that has been vetted by us by using a Buy with Confidence member.

4. Mattresses 'off the back of a lorry'
Issue: Yes - literally! Reports in the South East that consumers are being offered mattresses off the back of a lorry. Big well known names and makes are being used BUT there may be a safety issue
Solution: If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is! Please let us know on 08454 04 05 06 if you come across this!

5. Virus contained in Supermarket email voucher
Issue: Infected email claims that several major supermarkets have collaborated to offer customers an all-in-one shopping voucher worth £30.
Recipients are instructed to click a link in the email to read more information and download the voucher for printing. A second link in the message supposedly allows recipients to opt out of receiving further such marketing emails.
If you click on the links you will find that a .zip file is downloaded onto your computer. The zip file contains a .exe file that, if opened, will install a Trojan onto your machine.
Solution: The message is not a legitimate offer and there is no such voucher associated with the supermarket chains. For more information on hoax emails and internet scams take a look at the hoax-slayer website
6. Cheap Shingle
Issue: Our colleagues over the boarder in Hampshire are receiving reports of a trader offering 'cheap' shingle. He is cold calling residents claiming that his truck is overweight and he needs to off-load some shingle.
Solution: You will probably find that this is not 'cheap' and as always we advise you say NO to cold calling traders!
7. Bose Recall
Issue: Bose Cinemate can overheat and cause a fire!
The recall affects the Bose CineMate Series II and the GS Series II purchased before 12th September 2012.
Solution:.If you have one of the affected models stop using it and disconnect from the power socket. Please contact Bose for further details on 0800 098 8519

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

Tel: 101

Friday 14th September 2012
Trading Standards Alert Information.

Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website
TS @lert! 

1. Cold Calling Traders offering to Tarmac         
Issue: We have had reports in the Tandridge area of tradesmen cold calling and offering to re-tarmac driveways. They say they are from 'The Council'. This is not true! 
Solution: Our advice is to always say NO to cold calling doorstep traders. Instead try a trader from our Buy With Confidence scheme. 
Do not invite them in or offer to buy products at the door as they can be very persuasive! Try using our No Cold Calling Sticker to deter them and to remind yourself to say NO to doorstep callers!

2. Bank Card Scammers pretending they are from SKY on your doorstep! 
Issue: Victims receive a phone call saying that they have overpaid on their SKY TV subscription, but not to worry they will sort it out. A few days later someone comes to the house to sort it out and asks for the bank card to be placed in a hand held device and to enter their PIN to get a refund. The offender hands back the card and leaves. 
Of course there is no refund and by the time you check the bank statement it's too late - the money's gone! 
Solution: Please note SKY do NOT call about billing matters - this is only done in writing. 
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on             08454 04 05 06      . 
The Police can also be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999. 

3.Be Alarmed! 
Issue: Throughout Surrey we are getting reports of a company cold calling residents offering to install 'free' alarm systems. These alarms are house, smoke and personal alarms. Free is misleading as there is often an expensive maintenance contract! 
The latest area for concern is that an elderly lady from the Epsom area didn't quite realise what she had signed up for and tried to activate her personal alarm after a fall. It didn't work and stayed on the floor for 6 hours! 
Solution: Please look out for vulnerable friends and family - personal alarms are great if you sign up for the right thing! Try contacting your local Borough or District Council or take a look at Surrey Telecare for further advice. 
4. Recalls

  • Issue: Insulin:
    Cartons of Wockhardt Hypurin Porcine Isophane insulin contain the wrong insulin. 
    Hypurin Porcine Isophane Insulin 100 IU/ml cartridges 
    Batch Number - PL40147 
    Expiry Date - Aug 2014 
    Pack Size - 5 x 3ml cartridges

    If you have the affected Hypurin Porcine Isophane insulin please return it to your pharmacist and have it replaced for the correct drug.If you have any questions about this recall you can talk to your GP, pharmacist or you can contact Wockhardt on             01978 669215      . 
  • Issue Morrisons Dried Goji Berries 
    100g /  £1.75 per pack / all date codes 
    Morrisons are recalling this product as it may contain sulphur dioxide that is not declared on the product label. 

    Solution: all customers who are sensitive to sulphur dioxide/sulphites not to consume this product and return it to their nearest store for a full refund. 

  • Issue: Various French Bottled Beers!  Brasserie de Saint-Omer recalls several beers as some may contain small pieces of glass

Products sold in Aldi: 
Aldi Brasserie Bière Blonde Lager, 8x25cl
Aldi Brasserie French Lager, 10x25cl
Aldi Brasserie Shandy, 10x25cl
Best before dates: All dates up to and including 30/09/13

Products sold in Asda: 
Asda Bière de Luxe, 10x250ml
Asda French Lager, 10x250ml
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Shandy, 10x25cl
Best before dates: All dates up to and including 30/09/13

Products sold in Co-op: 
Co-op French Premium Lager, 8x250ml and 18x250ml
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Lite, 24x25cl
Best before dates: All dates up to and including 30/09/13

Products sold in Morrisons: 
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Export, 8x25cl and 18x250ml
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Panaché, 10x25cl
Bière Continentale, 10x25cl
Best before dates: All dates up to and including 30/09/13

Product sold in Sainsbury's: 
Brasserie de Saint-Omer Panaché, 10x25cl
Best before dates: All dates up to and including 30/09/13

Product sold in Tesco: 
Tesco Bière d’Or 10x25cl
Best before dates: All dates up to and including 30/09/13

Product sold in Dunnes: 
Starberg French Lager 4% 20x25cl
Best before dates: All dates up to and including 30/09/13

Solution: If you have bought any of the above products, please don't drink the beer, but return it to your nearest store for a full refund

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on 

Tel: 101
Information about this E-mail

Friday, 7 September 2012, 16:53
Neighbourhood Policing Surrey Police website

TS @lert!

1. Scam Letters "You have won ......"
Issue: We have noticed an increase in residents from all over Surrey receiving this type of scam mail claiming that "you have won...." or "you are entitled to .....". The letters are usually from abroad (although not always) and often ask for proof of identity, ask you to call a telephone number or to send money so that they can release the winnings.

Solution: Do NOT respond! You can't win a competition if you haven't entered and if the promised winnings sound too good to be true - it probably is!
Don't disclose personal details
Don't call the telephone number
Don't part with your money
You can register with the Mail Preference Service (it is free)
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
If you care for or generally look out for vulnerable friends or family you may find this guidance note useful.

2. Abusive trader
Issue: Report of an abusive trader (tree surgeon) in the Woking area - (although people do travel around so not just Woking!), demanding payment and using abusive and threatening behaviour.
Solution:Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or in case of an emergency please call the Police on 999.
We advise that you obtain written quotes for any work done and maybe try one of our Buy With Confidence members.

3. High pressure sales of alarm systems
Issue: You may have asked a trader to visit or had one turn up on your doorstep offering 'free' alarm systems. Please be aware that they may NOT be free as there is often an expensive maintenance fee costing £1000's! This is a repeating problem that is referred to us
Solution: Say NO to doorstep traders
Please read the fine print and know what you are agreeing to.
Do NOT waive the cooling off period so that you 'get the better deal if you get it installed at short notice'
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 so that we can build up enough intelligence to stop this happening

4. Thinking of buying a car? Do NOT rely on printed MoT certificates!
Issue: We are warning consumers NOT to rely on the printed version of the new-style MoT certificates when buying cars after a 38 year old man was arrested by Cleveland Police on suspicion of forging MoT test certificates.
There is also the possibility that unscrupulous traders, and service repair outlets, could agree to MoT a vehicle and charge accordingly without having carried out the test at all. The new-style MoT test certificates can be fraudulently reproduced and there is a lack of awareness about the fact that paper documents are no longer proof of existence of a valid MoT certificate.
Solution: When the new certificates were first implemented in October 2011 they were only intended to be a receipt for the MoT. The actual record and full details are stored online at the VOSA website, which can be accessed by going via the website. You can check an MoT is valid using the serial number of the MoT certificate or the serial number of the V5.
5. Recalls

  • Issue: Biere des Moulins Lager and St Cervois Premium Lager
Sainsbury's is recalling its Biere des Moulins Lager and St Cervois Premium Lager, because a small number may contain pieces of glass.
All 'best before' dates up to and including 22 September 2013 of:
Sainsbury's Biere des Moulins Lager, 30x25cl
Sainsbury's St Cervois Premium Lager, 8x25cl

Solution: Sainsbury's is recalling the affected beers and will be displaying customer notices in its stores. If you have bought the affected product do not consume it. You can return it to your nearest store for a full refund.
  • Issue: Oven Pride Oven Cleaner and BBQ Pride BBQ Cleaner
McBride is recalling 500ml bottles of their Oven Pride Oven Cleaner and BBQ Pride BBQ Cleaner. There are concerns over the safety of the cap on these bottles.
The recall comes after a two year old was hospitalised with severe internal burns after swallowing liquid from an Oven Pride bottle.

Solution: If you have any of the affected Oven Pride or BBQ Pride products you should return them to the store where you purchased them for a full refund.
Alternatively you can contact the Oven Pride Customer Helpline on 0845 605 2981.

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

Tel: 101

Wednesday, 22 August 2012, 16:53

TS @lert! Bumbos, Dishwashers, Scams & Recalls

TS @lert!

1. Safety Alert - Bumbo Baby Seats
Issue: Babycare giant Bumbo is recalling 4 million seats in the US after children tumbled out and fractured their skulls. The foam seats are NOT being recalled in the UK, but buyers will be offered the free straps.
Solution: Tomy (the UK distributor) is offering these safety kits. To request one call 01271 336155 or email

2. Dishwasher Safety Alert!
Issue: Bosch, Neff & Siemens Dishwashers - there is a fault on some control panels that can lead to overheating creating a potential fire hazard. This video from Dorset Fire & Rescue is worth a watch!
Solution: Please visit and enter your model and batch number to see if your dishwasher is affected.

3. Police Publication Scam
Issue: Residents in Surrey are receiving unsolicited phone calls from a male claiming to be a crime prevention officer and trying to sell space in a Police publication. This is a scam and nothing to do with the Police!
Solution: Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

4. Ministry Of Justice calls & emails
Issue: This scam usually involves fraudsters contacting a consumer and saying they are from the Ministry of Justice, the HM Courts, Tribunal Service or similar. They claim that you are owed money (like a repayment of a bank charge or PPI). They then ask for an up-front payment so that the money can then be sent. Unfortunately one Surrey resident loost money this way.,
Solution: Please do not disclose your personal or financial details and report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

5. Loft Insulation
Issue: Residents being cold called in the Redhill area by a male claiming he is carrying out a survey for the local council about the legal requirements of loft insulation - There is no such survey and could be the start of a scam or distraction burglary
Solution: Do not invite them in or offer to buy products at the door as they can be very persuasive! Try using our No Cold Calling Sticker to deter them and to remind yourself to say NO to doorstep callers!  
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
The Police can also be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999.
Click here to find out more about the stickers

6. Recalls

  • Issue: Asda own-brand Chargrilled 1/4 pounders (Best Before 5 June 2013)  may contain chilli 1/4 pounders which contain soya not mentioned on the label.
    Solution:. If you are allergic or sensitive to soya, don't eat this product. Please return to Asda for a full refund
  • Issue: Buchanans Desiccated Coconut (dated Jun 2013) as it contains undeclared sulphites
    Solution: If you are allergic or sensitive to sulphites pleasde return to the place of purchase for a refund
  • Issue: Sealey Valeting Machine Model PC310  / Serial No JS1.280985.2012.02 as some units are leaking water
    Solution: Return it to your local Sealey distributor who will arrange for a repair.



All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website You have been sent this information as a subscriber to TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving TS @lerts please email: and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line
Reply to the person you forwarded you this email if it wasn't sent direct from us
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Wednesday, 15 August 2012, 23:05

TS @lert! - Cold calling traders / distraction burglaries / PPI claims & allergy alert!TS @lert!
1. Abusive Carpet Cleaner
Issue: This morning we were alerted to the fact that an elderly couple in the Redhill area were cold called by a male offering to clean their carpets. He gained access to the house but after giving a high price and stating that the residents would have to move the furniture was asked to leave as they didn't want to use his service. He became quite verbally abusive and only left after the intervention of a third party.

Solution:Cold Calling Traders - Do not invite them in or offer to buy products at the door as they can be very persuasive! Try using our No Cold Calling Sticker to deter them and to remind yourself to say NO to doorstep callers!
Click here to find out more about the stickers.
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
The Police can also be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999.

2. Distraction Burglaries
Issue: Surrey Police is reminding residents to treat cold callers with caution following a number of distraction burglaries across the county. Officers are investigating eight offences which have been reported to the Force over the last month in which householders have been engaged in conversation while someone has entered their property. Surrey Police want to make residents aware of the tactics being used to help prevent further offences occurring.
Recent distraction techniques used include claiming to be from the water board and needing to check the householder's pipes/taps, offering gardening/maintenance work and the offender claiming they have lost their dog and asking to look for it in the householder's garden.
Find out more on the
Surrey Police website

Solution: Under no circumstances should you let an unexpected visitor into your home. Always stop to think whether you are expecting any callers, use the chain if you do decide to answer the door and check for identification before letting anyone in. Don't be taken in by these con artists, however convincing their story may sound. If you are in any doubt at all, do not let them in. The Police can be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999.

3. PPI Claim scam
Issue: Surrey residents receiving unsolicited phone calls from a company saying that they are owed money and in order to obtain this need to buy a UKASH voucher from a nearby shop - sometimes for £1000's! They state they are from the Ministry of Justice Claims Department.
Solution: Don't buy the voucher and hang up! If you have been mis-sold PPI then call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 for advice on the best way to reclaim. To avoid cold calls via the telephone you can register for free with the Telephone Preference Service via or 0845 070 0707
4. Recall on Basic Nutrition Odourless Garlic Capsules

Issue: There has been a packaging error and the product contains soya that is not listed on the label - be aware if you are allergic or sensitive to soya.
Two batches are affected:
i) M8399 / July 2015
ii) M8408 / July 2015

Solution: Please return the product to your place of purchase for a full refund.


All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving TS @lerts please email: and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line
Reply to the person you forwarded you this email if it wasn't sent direct from us

Tuesday, 7 August 2012, 16:52

From Surrey Trading Standards:

TS @lert!

1. Novelty 2012 Sunglasses
Issue: Novelty 2012 Sunglasses that are not CE marked (these are cc marked - there is no such thing!). Wearing these type of products that have not been tested for safety may hurt your eyes and not protect from UV rays! These have been found in Surrey.
Solution: Check your sunglasses for a CE mark. If you see these on sale please let us know via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

2. Blocked Drains?
Issue: Reports of elderly residents throughout Surrey with blocked drains being charged £1000's
Solution: We suggest that you:
  • Obtain a couple of quotes
  • Don't get taken in by the trader claiming that it's an urgent job
  • Check your paperwork
  • Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
  • Use a recommended trader from our Buy With Confidence scheme

3. Government Alarm scheme
Issue: More reports of residents being cold called by companies offering domestic alarm systems as part of a Government Scheme - there is no government scheme!
Solution: Do not accept these cold calls. If you want an alarm then shop around! Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.

4. Sports supplements & fat burning supplements
Issue:The Food Standards Agency is advising people not to consume products containing the substance DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine), after a number of people across the world have reported adverse reactions linked to products containing DMAA. Products containing DMAA are being sold in the UK as pre-workout sports supplements and as so-called fat burning food supplements.
Where DMAA is present in a product it may be listed on the packaging as:
  • 1,3-dimethylamylamine
  • DMAA
  • geranium extract
  • geranamine
  • methylhexanamine
  • 4-methylhexane-2-amine
Solution: The FSA is working closely with enforcement authorities to ensure that food supplements containing DMAA are not on sale in shops. Consumers are also advised not to buy online any food supplements or products containing DMAA. If you have consumed products containing DMAA and you feel unwell, please contact your GP
5. Recalls (x2)
  • Issue: ASDA Free From 5 Caramel Wafers - Best Before 03 Dec 12 - Price: 98p - Barcode 505244901091
Some packs of the above product may contain Gluten (Wheat)
Solution:.If you have bought ASDA Free From Caramel Wafers with a Best Before of 03 Dec 12, please bring it back to your nearest store where you will be given a full refund.
You do not need your receipt.
  • Issue: Sainsburys Charcoal products some of the products below may have been sold including a foreign body
Solution: All customers who have bought these products to return them to their nearest Sainsbury’s store, where they will receive a full refund.
7174171 122581288 JS Instant Lighting Charcoal 2 x 1.5kg
7174179 121048676 JS Instant Lighting Charcoal 4 x 1.5kg
7174204 121048713 JS Disposable BBQ Twin Pack
7174200 122581780 JS Family Size Disposable BBQ
7174198 122582011 JS single disposable BBQ


Tuesday, 7 August 2012, 16:50
Dear CRA Member,

Further to the email sent a few days ago about the WANDGAS application for floodlighting many residents have expressed objections and so please not that our Councillor George Crawford is leading the fight on this and has advised the following for those wishing to lodge their objections:-


- - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear CRA Member,

I have received the following note from one of our members. In view of the effect this application could have on the neighbourhood I am forwarding to you in case you may wish to send comment to the Council or notify your local Councillor.

Wandgas have put in another planning application for floodlights and an astroturf practice pitch with 5m high perimeter fence, full details can be found at ref 12/00350/FUL
If possible please pass onto all residents registered with you so they have a chance to comment. (we had a problem last time with the application only being advised by post to a handful or residents).
Please note that if commenting via the website you must register 1st – this is very quick.
Thank you
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Saturday, 28 July 2012, 16:51
TS @lert!

1. Oval Vodka

Issue: No legitimate outlet in the UK has been identified yet it is being sold in some areas - possibly counterfeit
Solution: If you see or are offered this vodka please report it to us on 08454 04 05 06

2. MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution

Issue: The Food Standards Agency has renewed its warning that Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) should not be consumed. A similar product, Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) should also be avoided. These are sold as oral supplements. MMS is a 28% sodium chlorite solution, which is equivalent to industrial-strength bleach!
Solution: If you have consumed MMS, CDS or similar products and feel unwell, you should consult your doctor. If you see or are offered these products please report it to us on 08454 04 05 06

3. Cold Callers - Roof & Guttering work
Issue 1. In Epsom area cold calling traders knocking on doors asking if residents needed guttering cleaning. This was used as a distraction burglary technique and bank cards and cash went missing.

Issue 2. In the Farnham area, cold callers offering roofing and guttering services - before resident was aware someone was up a ladder and claiming they had done the work and demanding payment.

Solution: Be aware that these rogues do not stay in one area for long so even if you are not in Epsom or Farnham please be aware!
Try using our No Cold Calling Sticker to deter them and to remind yourself to say NO to doorstep callers!
Click here to find out more about the stickers
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
The Police can also be contacted on 101 or in an emergency 999.

4. Scam Telephone Calls:

a - Alarm Systems
Issue: Reports of unsolicited telephone calls offering either a risk assessment of your house to see if eligible for a security box, or saying that they are working with the government offering free burglar alarms due to the rising crime in the area. A couple of times the caller has mentioned they are from 'Crime Prevention UK'
Solution: Say NO! This is pressure selling and scare mongering and the 'free' alarm or security box usually comes with a lengthy and expensive monitoring contract!
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
b - Water Quality
Issue: Unsolicited telephone call stating that your water quality is poor - This is a scare tactic when trying to sell water purification products
Solution: Say No! Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
5. Charity Collections during the Olympics

Issue: There have been reports that some charity collectors are not genuine or authorised by their particluar charity and are taking advantage of peoples goodwill during the Olympic festivities
Solution: Check the collectors ID, Check the collecting tin is sealed, ask how much of your donation goes to the charity, ask what the donations will be used for (if the collector is genuine they will know this). If in doubt send your donation direct to the charity
If you have been a victim or have information about a fundraising scam please report it to Action Fraud via or 0300 123 2040

TS @lert!

1. Scam calls offering investments in diamonds
Issue: Unsolicited telephone calls offering investments in diamonds. Sales tactics sometimes aimed at the vulnerable persuading to send cheques for £1000's
Solution: Say NO to unsolicited salesmen! Do not part with your money or disclose personal bank details. There are some legitimate businesses in this field of work but before committing nay money do your research first. Please look out for friends, neighbours & family!
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06

2. Scam phone calls & invoices for advertising
Issue: Unsolicited phone calls offering advertising space in magazines. Some claiming they are from the Police, others state you can advertise in Police magazines and sending bogus invoices
Solution: Check your invoices! Double check that caller is who they say they are! If the caller states they are from the Police you can check this on the 101 number.

3. Scam calls from 'your bank'
Issue: Scam phone calls from 'your bank' claiming that money needs to be transferred following suspicious activity on your account. Click here for the news from Surrey Police
Solution: Banks do NOT operate in this way. Please do not disclose your personal bank details over the phone. If you wish to check the status of your account then you make the phone call or visit your local branch.
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
The Police can also be contacted on 101

4. Food Recall

Issue:Product Recall and Allergy Alert - Sainsbury's 8 Chunky Caramel Bars 8x40g. Due to a packing error a small number of the above product contain peanuts that are not declared on the label
Solution: All customers who have bought this product, with all best before dates up to and including 16-07-2013, to return it to their nearest Sainsbury’s store where they will receive a full refund

5. Money available to tackle Loan Sharks in Surrey
'Your choice' is an initiative where applicants can spend ‘Proceeds of Crime’. This is money that the Illegal Money Lending Team have taken from prosecuted loan sharks in England.
You must be a group that benefits the people of Surrey. You can be a community or residents group, a charity, voluntary or statutory organisation. The money must be used for the following:
  • Contribute to raising the awareness of the dangers of using loan sharks
  • Promote legal, affordable credit options to prevent people from using loan sharks
  • Promote financial management/budgeting to prevent people from using loan sharks
  • Prevent crime and disorder whilst promoting the stop loan sharks messages
Be aware - the closing date is soon!
(NB. The team are now able to award a few organisations the money and not just the one - so bid away!)
Please see the attached Word Doc for details of how to apply!

All reports of frauds or scams can be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or online via their website
You have been sent this information as a subscriber to TS @lerts. If you wish to stop receiving TS @lerts please email: and type ‘TS @lert stop’ in the subject line
This information is NOT confidential - please forward!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

TS @lert!

1. Scam calls offering investments in diamonds
Issue: Unsolicited telephone calls offering investments in diamonds. Sales tactics sometimes aimed at the vulnerable persuading to send cheques for £1000's
Solution: Say NO to unsolicited salesmen! Do not part with your money or disclose personal bank details. There are some legitimate businesses in this field of work but before committing nay money do your research first. Please look out for friends, neighbours & family!
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06

2. Scam phone calls & invoices for advertising
Issue: Unsolicited phone calls offering advertising space in magazines. Some claiming they are from the Police, others state you can advertise in Police magazines and sending bogus invoices
Solution: Check your invoices! Double check that caller is who they say they are! If the caller states they are from the Police you can check this on the 101 number.

3. Scam calls from 'your bank'
Issue: Scam phone calls from 'your bank' claiming that money needs to be transferred following suspicious activity on your account.
Click here for the news from Surrey Police
Solution: Banks do NOT operate in this way. Please do not disclose your personal bank details over the phone. If you wish to check the status of your account then you make the phone call or visit your local branch.
Please report these or similar instances to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06.
The Police can also be contacted on 101

4. Food Recall

Issue:Product Recall and Allergy Alert - Sainsbury's 8 Chunky Caramel Bars 8x40g. Due to a packing error a small number of the above product contain peanuts that are not declared on the label
Solution: All customers who have bought this product, with all best before dates up to and including 16-07-2013, to return it to their nearest Sainsbury’s store where they will receive a full refund 

Surrey Police: TS Alerts
Introduction to TS @lert

Neighbourhood PolicingSurrey Police website

Introduction to TS @lert

It is one of Surrey Trading Standards priorities to help protect the vulnerable living in Surrey.
One of the ways to achieve this is to alert local consumers and businesses to potential rogues and scams that may affect them, and in return receive intelligence about such practices to enable us to target our resources to prevent or disrupt this activity.
1. What are TS @lert messages?
TS Alert messages are email messages that can be sent to anyone who signs up to receive them. They can contain both text and pictures and web links.
Messages would typically contain a description of the ‘problem’, information on what to do if affected, who to report the incident to and where to get help or further information.
They can also be used to ask for intelligence to help us with our investigations, typically about criminals or information about underage sales of cigarettes and alcohol.
2. What is the purpose of TS @lert?
The aim of TS Alert will be to keep Surrey residents and businesses informed about the following:
  • Doorstep Criminals who are operating locally
  • Scams and other frauds that target Surrey businesses and residents
  • Changes in the law
  • Trading Standards schemes eg Buy With Confidence, Eat Out Eat Well and No Cold Calling
  • Product recalls
  • We may also publicise good news stories if appropriate

3. Who would receive TS @lert messages?
The list of recipients may include (and there are many more!):
Age U.K Care Agencies
Citizen’s Advice Bureaux District Councils
Housing Associations Libraries
Surrey Police Councillors
Parish Councils Neighbourhood Watch
Local Media
We try to encourage recipients to let us use generic email addresses such as rather than personal email addresses.
Although individuals could sign up to the system, it is envisaged that we would email organisations that could then disseminate the information to their own members / users.

4. How would recipients use the TS @lerts?
It is hoped that message recipients would disseminate the information:
  • On their websites
  • In parish magazines
  • In NHW newsletters
  • On public notice boards
  • To pass on to colleagues, friends and other agencies
5. Can I put a message on TS @lert?
Yes – although the system will be run by the Surrey Trading Standards Service and most alerts will come from us, please let us know if you need to post a message and we will do our best to oblige!

6. Who do I contact should I wish to report something?
·All reports of scams, frauds, illegal trading etc should be reported to us via the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06 or via their web form
·Calls to Surrey Police can be made via their 101 number.

What we are doing already:

We also have a presence on Twitter and Facebook where there are daily alerts, stories and top tips!
Please follow and interact with us!

If you need to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us on

Tel: 101

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